I have been asking myself that question a lot lately. Why do I do the things that I do. And for most of the stuff I do not have a clear answer yet.
The only exception is teaching. There the answer is simple:
a) It is doing good to someone other than myself
b) I am fairly well suited for it and enjoy the process
c) Immediate positive feedback
Best example of the last point: I had my students grade all the lectures in my Introduction to Informatics course on a 10 point scale with 5 being "An average university lecture" and 10 being "The best lecture I have ever attended". The worst score any of the lectures got on average was 5 - which means, the worst lecture in the series was still considered "about average" :).
Even better, though. Of the 19 lectures being graded, The three I gave got places 3-5. Second place was just a little off and as for the first place.. well, Tõnu Samuel really is amazing and by far the best lecturer I have yet to meet - at least on the topics I have seen him talk on...
As for some other things, I have some general ideas, but nothing that specific:
Bass playing helps me relax and get my mind off everyday problems.
Taiji does the same, but on a somewhat different level.
Dancing (the course I have been taking) - mostly physical social contact - something which I do not get enough of otherwise, since I have a pretty high need for it which is somewhat hard to satisfy for a single young man mostly looking for a stable long-term relationship (as opposed to "just having fun").
Cooking - well, to please my friends and to get some positive feedback... although, force of habit is starting to kick in with this one :)
My main problem, however, is that I have no answer to "why do I do science?". To pay the bills? It is drifting more and more towards that direction every day. Maybe time is ripe for a change in that respect... either a change in topic (which I have been planning anyways) or a change in career path. Remains to be seen, which one it will be. For now, however, my PhD thesis still needs its last chapter and I have come too far on that to stop so little short of the degree :)
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Oeh! Küsin ka endalt neid samu küsimusi iga natukese aja tagant. Vastused on enamasti olemas. Kahjuks ma ei tea, miks ma liiga mitut asja korraga tegemisest ei suuda loobuda.
Ma ei tea miks Sa teadust teed... kui millegagi juba tekib tihe suhe, siis tuleb kirglikku suhtumise vahele tekkivad harjumusest millegi tegemise perioodid ka ära kannatada... Ükski abielu ei ole iga hetk kirglik muinasjutt... Eks Sa vaata, kui täisväärtuslik Sinu abielu teadusega on ja olema saab.
Muide, Su kokkamine on suurepärane (ja mitte ainult seetõttu, et ma olen üldjuhul enne nälginud).