Saturday, October 9, 2010


Of the things mentioned in my life:
The first three problems I managed to outsource.
The fourth will remain in the state that it is.
The fifth is recovering, slow but steady.

Again - I am truly glad I have as good friends as I do, for all of them have been very supportive throughout the past 2 days. I do not regret the decision to break up with L. and in the long run it is probably better for the both of us that way. In the short run, it is still somewhat painful, of course.

Yesterday I went to my other office, where I hadn't been for over two weeks. I noticed I had left one of my guitars there and - as improbable as it was - it was in tune. Which means someone had to have tuned it... It was tuned higher than it should though (the lowest and highest strings were both F# instead of E, and the rest were also tuned a full tone upward)...
Reminds me of the story of three bears (with porridge being too hot, bed being too big and now, guitar being tuned too high).

Met a lot of people over the past 3 days. Most of my close friends in Tartu, including M. and excluding only E., Mi., Ma. and Ra. For instance, I went to a dinner party at L2. and played table tennis with Ma2 (I should really find more friends whose names begin with something other than L or M :P). Also had a jam session with A., who was here for just a week.

Work has suffered though - I have a prototype implementation ready, but I haven't really stated seriously on the protocol itself.

Then again, the night is still young.

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