Friday, October 22, 2010

Sobering experiences

Today something happened to me that has never happened before during my 5 years of studying math in the university. I went to the lecture hall, received the test paper and realized that I did not have the slightest clue how to solve 2 of the 5 exercises. I managed to visibly shock both the professor and my co-students by asking "I don't think I have ever had to say these words before but - can the test be retaken later?". I guess I have become somewhat overconfident in my abilities.. and so has everyone else...

I then went to give a lab session in the introductory programming course. Of 30 students officially registered, only 13 were present (as opposed to the usual 22-26). A student later explained that they had just had their first official course party the day before.. And I almost thought it had been my bass playing which had scared them away.
(I walked around with a bass guitar while they were taking a test last week - I mean, what else do you really do when you have to guard a test?)

In the evening, a friend sent me a message saying she just realized she is going to break up with her boyfriend.. whom she has been together with for the better part of her life. I would be fooling myself if I said I knew how she felt - but at times like these, there really is nothing you can say... just being there for the person is the only thing a friend can do...

4 hours of sleep again. This time not by choice - I went to bed at 11, but got to sleep only at 3.30, after two episodes of House MD and some bass practice (since I really just could not fall asleep).

And it is snowing...

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