Sunday, April 11, 2010

I discovered the seventh position

which, on a bass guitar, is very similar to the second position in terms of having all the C major (natural) notes within the reach of four fingers.

So yes, I played bass for most of the morning in case anyone was wondering. I also read up on a few blogs and comics and made lunch, then went out for a walk again.

Today, I walked through the forest-park that is quite nearby, and finally ended up by the sea. The water is still very cold but I can easily imagine going swimming in a month or so.

When I arrived back home, I just crawled into bed and slept for an hour. I think I have a cold. When I woke, I felt quite hungry so I went to the kitchen with a pack of spaghetti and a bottle of ketchup.

Well, the kitchen had suffered from a chinese invasion while I had been away. There were at any given point 6 chinese students preparing food in the rather crowded kitchen corner. Needless to say, Taiji came in quite handy :) The faces kept changing and my final count was around 15.. which means about one quarter of the students on this floor are chinese.. I wouldnt have guessed that, as I had seen only 5 of them previously.

I did manage to cook my spaghetti and two eggs to go with it, though. I sat down with Bilge (the person next door to my room) and a german girl who is doing her PhD in Scientific Theory (which encapsules the philosophy, practice and history of science). She is still looking for a good topic, but after her discussion with Pirjo (the finnish PhD student also doing Computer Science) she was thinking about taking a topic related to CS. As she needed something interdiciplinary, I suggested bioinformatics to her, but that was out for personal reasons. She was considering Human-computer interaction, however, which was what Pirjo is working on. Should work.

In general, it has been one of the most unproductive weekends I have had in a long while. I enjoyed it, and am hopefully ready to get back to work on Monday.

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